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Megaplex Online Announced!

We are happy to announce the 2020 Megaplex Online Experience is a go and we hope you will join us online Aug 21st - 23rd to help raise money for The C.A.R.E. Foundation. We have lots of information posted so make sure to check out everything on our site.
Megaplex Online August 21-23, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Megaplex 2020 Cancellation

PDF Version


As of May 19th, 2020 all hotel rooms booked in the convention's official room block have been canceled and refunds have been issued. The hotel has advised us that the refunds will take 5-7 business days to process through the various banks. If after May 29th you still have not seen received your refund please contact the hotel who should be able to assist you.

When I took over as chairman, I never thought this would be a letter I would have to write. The last few months have been hard on everyone. Many in our fandom and around the world are dealing with the loss of their jobs and for some having to say goodbye to loved ones for the last time due to COVID-19. Furry Conventions have been rescheduled or outright canceled for this year one after another after another. It is with a very deep sadness that I must announce that Megaplex 2020 is to be added to the list of cons canceled for 2020.

In the spirit of transparency, this has been a long and difficult decision not just for me but for the entire board of directors. Questions like “Could we do enough to keep our attendees safe?”, “Could we still provide the experience our attendees have come to expect?”, and yes even “Could/Would enough people attend in order to be able to afford the event let alone future events?”. The board held an emergency meeting to discuss our options and determined that if we wanted to be able to offer full refunds to our attendees as well as continue operation to be able to hold future events, we could not put off the decision any further. We came to the conclusion that even if we could do enough to keep the virus at bay it would massively affect the convention experience and it would be very possible that only a third of our planned attendance would be willing or able to attend.

We love each and every one of our attendees and will be offering the ability to donate your registration fee to Megaplex, transfer your registration to next year, or to request a full refund for those whose credit/debit cards were charges this year. We hope you will at least consider donating your registration fee though we understand that may not be an option for many. We still have operating costs we need to cover for this year as well as fees associated with each registration that we do not feel would be right to deduct from everyone’s refunds.

All is not lost, we are looking into the possibility of hosting an online convention which those who donate or transfer their registration would have free access to. More details will be released on this if we are able to do it as they become available.

Additional information as well as the form to designate how we shall handle your registration can be found at We kindly ask that questions regarding the cancellation be directed at the resources listed on that page as opposed to reaching out to staff members. This cancellation is especially rough on our staff as they have put in countless hours to work through all of the issues to bring you this years convention.



Megaplex Chairman

Megaplex 2020 Charity Poker Tournament Prizes!

Thanks to the generosity of Torid and Panterro Katt, Our poker tournament will have special trophies, prizes, and a few surprises this year!

Trophies and Prizes

Megaplex 2020 Picnic Update Regarding COVID-19

It’s hard to miss the recent announcements made by the CDC and federal government recommending gatherings be restricted to 10 people or less and the recent restrictions being put in place by many states. After seeking guidance from medical professionals and out of an abundance of caution for the health, safety and wellbeing of our volunteers and attendees the Florida United Furry Fandom, Inc. Board of Directors has decided to cancel the Megaplex Annual Picnic 2020.

At this time there still remain NO plans to postpone or delay this year’s August convention. We are in high hopes that any future event restrictions will be lifted prior to the convention but will continue to monitor the quickly evolving COVID-19 situation. Our commitment to our attendees is unwavering and we will do our best to keep our attendees informed of any new developments affecting the convention.

While we are not able to have the picnic we ask our attendees, that are able to, to consider donating to our charity, The C.A.R.E. Foundation, at We also wish to support our fellow conventions that have been affected very deeply by the COVID-19 situation. If you had planned to attend any of the conventions that have been forced to cancel or postpone, we would like to ask all those able to afford it to consider donating their registration at said events to their respective conventions. Furry Conventions often operate on very tight budgets and cannot weather this storm as well as much larger events. Your donation could be the money they need to be able to weather this storm.

COVID-19 Update

We have had many reach out to us and we want everyone to be aware that we are taking the COVID-19 threat seriously. A lot can change in the next 5 months but at this time we are not yet planning to cancel or delay the con. In the meantime, we are working on policies, procedures, and guidance to help reduce the risk to our attendees and volunteers. The Board of Directors will be meeting in the next couple weeks and will review the latest information and guidance on COVID-19. Updates will be found on the COVID-19 page of our website and on our social media.


Do you love Megaplex? Megaplex loves its attendees, and we've got something special this month that we hope you'll really enjoy. Click "Read more" to get the details.

RSVP for the Annual Megaplex Picnic!

The Annual Megaplex Picnic will be happening April 25th. Make sure to RSVP by April 20th at

We are looking for more staff

Megaplex is looking for more help for this years convention in the following departments:

Convention Operations
Convention Operations - Gophers
Convention Operations - Information Desk
Creative Services - Theming
Sales - Convention Store
Sales - Registration

Click "Read More" to find out more information on the different departments and how to apply

Megaplex Hotel Rooms now available for booking!

Get more details on hotel rooms and how to book at hotel page!

Update: All Villas in the room block are currently booked. Some may open up in the future should someone cancel their reservation.